Dr. iur. Christian Geisselmann, LL.M., TEP
Your attorney at law in Vaduz for Liechtenstein and Austria

Your law firm Dr. Geisselmann, LL.M. offers comprehensive legal advice and representation in a wide range of legal areas. His expertise includes litigation and conflict resolution, employment law, corporate and commercial law as well as  criminal law. He also specializes in foundation law, divorce and divorce consequences law, general contract law, and offers in-depth knowledge of administrative and constitutional law. In addition, he advises clients on issues of inheritance law and estate planning, marriage and family law, tort law, official liability and responsibility law, and private international law. Dr. Geisselmann's comprehensive legal knowledge and many years of experience enable him to act effectively in both Liechtenstein and Austria and to optimally represent the interests of his clients.

Litigation and Conflict Resolution

Dr. Geisselmann, LL.M. represents clients in contentious civil proceedings both out-of-court and in court. He is authorized to represent clients before all Liechtenstein and Austrian administrative authorities and courts. The law firm specializes in preventive legal advice, extrajudicial enforcement of claims and the enforcement and execution of legally binding decisions.

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Labour Law

With vast experience in all aspects of private and collective labor law, Dr. Geisselmann, LL.M. advises both employers and employees. This includes out-of-court and in-courtrepresentation in labor law disputes, the preparation and preventive design of employment contract documents, the handling of non-competition clauses, the enforcement and defence of wage and bonus claims as well as advice on termination of employment relationships and internal investigations.

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Foundation Law

Foundation law is a core area of ​​the firm. Dr. Geisselmann, LL.M. advises and represents foundations and their participants, particularly in the assertion and enforcement of information rights and asset claims as well as in supervisory and liability issues. He also supports structuring and estate planning by setting up foundation structures.

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Criminal Law

Dr. Geisselmann, LL.M. offers comprehensive representation and advice in all phases of criminal proceedings, including pre-trial advice, investigations and criminal proceedings in Liechtenstein and Austria.

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Contract Law

Preparation and revision of contracts of all kinds, with special attention being paid to the needs of the client and legal protection.

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Tort Law, Official Liability and Responsibility Law

Dr. Geisselmann, LL.M. handles cases in all aspects of tort law, including representation in liability cases and the enforcement or defense of claims.

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Inheritance Law and Estate Planning

The firm offers comprehensive estate planning services, including the preparation of wills, healthcare powers of attorney and the conduct of inheritance distribution proceedings, with a particular focus on the needs of entrepreneurial families and company succession.

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